Upcoming Changes to the Cosmetic Notification Form
Straight from the Cosmetics Mailing list: We are writing to inform you about upcoming changes to the Cosmetic Notification form that will be implemented as a result of the coming into force of the Regulations Amending Certain Regulations Concerning the Disclosure of Cosmetic Ingredients: SOR/2024-63 (amended Regulations). Some key highlights of the changes are listed below: Section 2 – Product New field: “Type of product”: As per paragraph 30(2)(c) of the Cosmetic Regulations, notifiers will be required to indicate whether the cosmetic is considered leave-on or rinse-off.The field “Area of…
Insurance for Quebec members
ASSURANCE AU QUÉBEC- VOICI ENFIN DE BONNES NOUVELLES! Nous sommes heureuses d’annoncer que nous avons trouvé une police d’assurance pour nos membres du Québec. Le programme est prêt à accueillir ses premiers assurés. Vous présenterez votre demande directement au courtier situé au Québec sans avoir à passer par le site Web de la HBBG. Tous les paiements seront effectués directement auprès du courtier, qui vous remettra votre certificat d’assurance sans passer par la HBBG. Les taux sont offerts exclusivement aux membres de la Guilde, alors…
Speaker Handouts now available!
Learn, grow and reach your goals with industry-leading speakers and materials! What’s better than seeing the rockstars of the handcrafted soap and cosmetic industry in person? Implementing their strategies and advice, of course! With Speaker Handouts, you will always have a speaker-produced material to refer back to when you need it the most. Speakers have compiled handouts with important points from their presentations and helpful materials to help you use the tools they give to you during their talk. Downloading these handouts from the HSCG…