$2 Million Bath & Body + Candle Coverage
For $2 million in liability plus coverage for candle making – full Insurance details are found on the main Insurance page. Please contact us if you have any questions not covered by the information you find there.
For a limited time – until June 30, 2021, you can take advantage of a 2 payment plan for your insurance. Pay half now, and the rest in 3 months. Please note that your insurance will take effect the day of your first payment, but will be cancelled if the second payment is late.
Once we receive your payment, your information will be forwarded to our broker, who in turn, issues your Certificate of Insurance. This usually takes about one week. Please plan accordingly if you need insurance for markets, etc.
This product can only be purchased by members. To purchase this product, sign up by purchasing Casual Crafter Membership or Professional Business Membership, or log in if you are a member.
Category: Insurance