• cosmetic notification form
    Health Canada,  Lotion Making,  Rules & Regulations,  Soap Making

    Cosmetic Notification Forms (CNF) – Part Two

    Wow, this month is flying by! I apologize for the delay in getting Part Two of this series on CNF published, especially since I know it is on the mind of so many of you these days. In the first part of this series we talked about what a CNF is, and when you would need to file one. If you missed it, you can find it here. Today I’m going to talk a little bit about completing the actual filing process. A blog is not…

  • cosmetic notification form
    Health Canada,  Lotion Making,  Rules & Regulations,  Soap Making

    Cosmetic Notification Form (CNF) : Part One.

    If you are new to the handcrafted bath and body industry in Canada, you may be wondering what all the fuss is about the Cosmetic Notification Form (CNF). I started to write a short post about CNFs, which quickly turned into an encyclopedia, so I have turned it into a two or three part series. Up first, what is a CNF and why do I need one? Health Canada requires that anyone who sells a cosmetic product in Canada must file a CNF with them within…

  • Lotion Making

    All About Preservatives

    I think every handcrafted bath & body person out there probably starts their journey down the lotion making path by creating a beautiful, whipped body butter. Some people stop there, while others start thinking about how they could tweak this product to be less greasy, more moisturizing, silkier, drier….and so on, and so on… If that’s what you’re thinking about, then eventually you are going to run up against the reality that emulsified lotions, body butters, etc. contain water, the breeding ground for bacteria, mold,…