2023 Non-Member Conference Registration


Early Bird Price effective until October 15th, 2022. HBBG Members receive a Conference Discount – Join Now!

For full 2023 Canadian Conference details, visit the main Conference page.

  • Meals are provided every day for conference attendees and guests. We must inform the hotel of the number of special meal requests well in advance of the actual conference.
  • Sometimes attendees have travel arrangements or other commitments that require them to leave early. If you know for sure that you will (or won't) be at the Annual Awards Dinner, please let us know. That way we can plan for the correct number of meals and won't waste food (and funds) on uneaten meals.
  • The Soapers' Showcase is a great opportunity to showcase your soaps in front of your soapmaking peers. All attendees are welcome to participate. For complete details, see the 2018 Soapers' Showcase page. You don't need to decide now, but if you know for sure one way or the other it will help out the conference planning a bit.