Speaker Handouts now available!
Learn, grow and reach your goals with industry-leading speakers and materials!
What’s better than seeing the rockstars of the handcrafted soap and cosmetic industry in person? Implementing their strategies and advice, of course!
With Speaker Handouts, you will always have a speaker-produced material to refer back to when you need it the most. Speakers have compiled handouts with important points from their presentations and helpful materials to help you use the tools they give to you during their talk.
Downloading these handouts from the HSCG website is easy and fast; simply click the gold button below to be redirected to the HSCG Speaker Handouts page and click on the handout you’d like.
Please note: you must be logged in to view and download handouts. All registered attendees from both organizations have been assigned credentials, regardless of membership. If you are unsure of your login credentials for the HSCG site, please email mbrservices@soapguild.org for assistance.
[button link=”https://www.soapguild.org/canada/conference/2018/handouts.php” size=”large” style=”alert” window=”yes”]View Handouts here![/button]